SARS-CoV2 pandemic in Arad
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The SARS_CoV_2 pandemic is a lesson about biological threats, which put health systems under extreme stress. In Arad County it affected 16.4% of the population (n = 67,434 Covid_19 cases), the fatality rate being 2.71%. Four waves manifested between 01.03.2020 –31.03.2022 causing 1,828 deaths. The age distribution of the cases indicates an increased prevalence at 30-59 years and increased death rates at 60-80 years. The relative risk RR of death from Covid_19 in males compared to females is 1.3216 (P <0.0001). RR of death in rural versus urban is 1.3955 (P <0.0001); 52.51% of deaths occurred in males, 57.76% in rural areas and 86.54% in patients over 60 years. The sequencing of deaths according to waves and the odds ratio of deaths in wave 4 compared to waves 1-3 was 1.6527 (P <0.0001), 46.82% of deaths being recorded in wave 4 of the pandemic, predominantly caused by the Delta variant.
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