Study of the influence of juice consumption and eating habits on children's teeth in Rieni, Bihor County

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A. Porumb
C. Ratiu
A.M. Balint
G. Ciavoi


The present study included all preschool and school children from Rieni, Bihor County and their parents. The study aims to assess parents' knowledge of oro-dental health, as an integral part of general health, means of prevention and prophylaxis of tooth decay, as well as juice consumption and eating habits of children in Rieni, Bihor Country. As material and method, we proceeded to collect individual opinions, expressed by completing a questionnaire. In conclusion, slow consumption of acidic beverages over a long period of time, especially if drunk in small sips, can create dental erosion, induced by the action of acidic substances. Small amounts consumed between meals, will permanently provide food for cariogenic bacteria, will subject the teeth to long periods of demineralization and will therefore be at the origin of numerous carious processes.

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