A. Galuscan
Departemnt of Preventive Dentistry, Communi Dentistry and Oral Health, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 2nd Eftimie Murgu Sq., Timisoara, 300041, Romania
M.A. Dumitrache
Department of Community Dentistry and Oral Health, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 37 Dionisie Lupu Street, District 1, Bucharest, Romania
D. Jumanca
Departemnt of Preventive Dentistry, Communi Dentistry and Oral Health, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 2nd Eftimie Murgu Sq., Timisoara, 300041, Romania
Rosianu R. Sava
Departemnt of Preventive Dentistry, Communi Dentistry and Oral Health, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 2nd Eftimie Murgu Sq., Timisoara, 300041, Romania
A.C. Podariu
Departemnt of Preventive Dentistry, Communi Dentistry and Oral Health, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 2nd Eftimie Murgu Sq., Timisoara, 300041, Romania
O. Balean
Departemnt of Preventive Dentistry, Communi Dentistry and Oral Health, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 2nd Eftimie Murgu Sq., Timisoara, 300041, Romania
R.C. Dumitrescu
Departemnt of Preventive Dentistry, Communi Dentistry and Oral Health, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 2nd Eftimie Murgu Sq., Timisoara, 300041, Romania
A.D. Fratila
Student of Faculty of Dental Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Goethestasse 70, 80336, Munich, Germany
Teachers and schools have the opportunity to play an essential role in developing healthy habits in students. Their purpose is to determine behavioral patterns at this stage of a child's development. Many oral health problems can be prevented, and their early onset can be reversible. However, a considerable number of children, parents and teachers have limited knowledge of the causes and prevention of oral diseases. Oral health can be promoted by improving education and correct information about risk factors, as well as encouraging the population to adopt healthy behaviors and lifestyles.