Non-syndromic relative generalized microdontia
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The dental anomalies of volume occur during the stages of morphological differentiation or during the organic matrix apposition and include micro and macrodontia. Relative generalized microdontia is characterized by the disproportion between the normal-sized teeth and the overdeveloped jaws, as a result of crossed inheritance. This case report describes the treatment approach using fixed orthodontic appliances and the evolution in the case of a young male patient diagnosed with spacing (diastemata and tremata), Class I malocclusion and deep bite. The treatment objectives were to obtain a good static and dynamic occlusion and optimal esthetics. At the end of the treatment all the functions of the dento-maxillary system were improved, with adequate intra and inter-arch relationships. When localized in the anterior region, microdontia affects the aesthetic function and, consequently, the patient's psychosocial behavior, which often dictates his treatment choice – orthodontic, restorative or multidisciplinary treatment.
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