Legal Considerations Regarding the Importance of Complying with the Obligation in Providing Medical Care

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A. Tănase
M. L. Negruţiu
A. C. Novac
D. M. Pop
C. Sinescu
K. Miok
E. L. Crăciunescu
D. E. Bojoga


The knowledge and compliance of dentist’s professional obligations related to the relationship with patients is a theoretical and a practical current topic. Knowing the consequences that may arise from a legal perspective and the violation of the legislation, determines of a preventive attitude of the dentists. Regarding the dentist’s knowledge and information related to their profession, the number of malpractice allegations can considerably decrease. To carry out this study, a questionnaire consisting of 10 closed choice or selection questions had the aim to highlight the degree of dentist’s awareness regarding the importance of respecting their professional obligations in the relationship with patients. After completing the questionnaires, the results assess through statistical analysis. The main conclusion resulting from this study demonstrate that compliance with professional obligations in medical practice in the relationship with patient’s needs, first of all, detailed knowledge of the legislation, which requires continuous documentation and participation in professional training courses and conferences dedicated to legislation in the medical domain.

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