Prospective study on Glutathione expression and immune response in the oral cavity of diabetic patients

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D. A. Slăvescu
O. Frățilă
A. E. Moca
L. L. Vaida
R. Iurcov
N. Lixandru
M. Rusu
E. M. Vasca


Aim and objectives: This study aimed to investigate the association between antioxidant protection factors (glutathione and MTH1/MUTH) and immune response (CD3-lymphocyte T and CD20-lymphocyte B) in the oral cavity mucosa of diabetic patients. Material and methods: Glutathione levels and immune cell expressions (CD3 and CD20) were measured in the oral mucosa of diabetic patients and compared with a control group using immunohistochemical analysis. Results: Diabetic patients had significantly lower glutathione levels and altered immune responses, with higher oxidative stress in B lymphocytes (CD20) and T lymphocytes (CD3). The T/B lymphocyte ratio was significantly higher in diabetic patients, indicating immune imbalance. Conclusions: Diabetic patients showed reduced glutathione levels and a higher T/B lymphocyte ratio in the oral cavity, suggesting that oxidative stress negatively impacts immune function. This highlights the need for antioxidant therapies in managing oral health in diabetic patients.

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