Oral health: investigating the impact of auxiliary techniques on dental plaque removal
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Often the patients are facing a wide range of toothbrushes, and they are faced with a dilemma, not knowing which one to choose, so the purpose of this study is to determine the efficiency of the various toothbrushes. In this sense, the study aims to analyze a series of toothbrushes with different characteristics: size, shape, hardness of the brush and length of the brush. By using a series of techniques we were able to evaluate their effects before and after cleaning the teeth. Initially, the amount of bacterial plaque present in the dental-periodontal structures of the oral cavity was revealed. For the evaluation of the dental plaque we used the Silness Loe plaque index and to evaluate the best toothbrush I asked the patients to use Bass's brushing technique. For coloring the plaque, red dye FDC Nr. 30 was used.
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