Oral hygiene compliance in orthodontic patients

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M. Popa
I.E. Lile
L. Vaida
S. Dinu
P.C. Freiman
D. Marian
C. Cojocaru
I. Ilyes
O.L. Stana
A. Stana
T. Hosszu


Aim and objectives; The aim of this study was to highlight the importance and conscientiousness of proper hygiene with the help of prophylactic means in fixed and mobile oro-dental therapy, as just wearing the orthodontic appliance is not enough without being accompanied by proper oral hygiene. Material and methods; the orthodontic appliance itself along with its components represent retention areas and additional obstacles to achieving proper hygiene. The accumulation of food debris and bacterial plaque creates an environment conducive to the multiplication of bacteria, leading to carious lesions, gingival inflammation and the appearance of halena. In order to prevent this we followed 3 steps oral hygiene lessons. Precisely for this reason, on the occasion of this research, the following objectives will be pursued: knowledge and correct use of methods for cleaning fixed and mobile braces; correct understanding and occupation of all ways to sanitize the oral cavity; knowledge of the food influence on the success of orthodontic therapy. Patients should understand that without proper hygiene associated with orthodontic therapy, which involves the use of oral aids and orthodontic appliances, the desired results cannot be achieved. Results; In a percentage of 19% of the wearers of fixed dental appliances, the bacterial plaque of grade 3 was noticed, in a percentage of 31% of grade 2, in a percentage of 38% of grade 1 and in a percentage of 12% of grade 0, fact resulting in patients wearing fixed orthodontic appliances having more difficult oral hygiene Conclusions; The study suggests that participants who received a post-treatment communication reported higher level of oral hygiene compliance than participants in the control group.

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