Evaluation of the relation of the apex of the posterior teeth to the mucosa of the maxillary sinus

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M. Riviș
A. Roi
S. Velescu
L.L. Mihai
A. Nicoară
C. Roi


Aim and objectives: The study aims to determine the risk of maxillary sinus membrane perforations in dental treatments on CBCT investigation. The factors that have been taken in consideration were the relation of the upper molars position with the maxillary sinus as well as the frequency of a certain type of risk. Material and methods: This observational study analyses the statistical data obtain from 50 patients that presented for the extraction of the upper molars. The criterion for quantifying the position of the upper teeth was created after a standardized position of an implant in relation to the maxillary sinus. Another desired was a special attention to the teeth that have an intimate contact with the membrane of the maxillary sinus observed on the radiographic images. Conclusions: Following this study, we can affirm that with proper imagistic investigation we can perform a classification of upper teeth position with the maxillary sinus. Additionally, we can assess a specific risk of oro-antral communication and the doctor has the possibility of choosing or adapting a therapeutic protocol according to the risk category in which these teeth are found.

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